

McKenzie (anxiety)

“I came to the ‘Lightning Process’ seeking help with anxiety (particularly in social situations) and low self esteem, and left feeling like for the first time in my life I now have control over the thought patterns and beliefs that used to control me. The ‘Lightning Process’ has equipped me with a greater awareness and understanding of how I can influence what I believe about myself and how I show up in the world. I now have tools that empower me with the ability to approach situations I would usually avoid or feel fearful in with calmness and confidence. I’m excited to continue to see growth and change toward living a more fulfilling life through implementing all that I’ve learned!”

- October 2020


Charlotte (anxiety)

“I had the absolute delight to complete the ‘Lightning Process’ with Nikki. For many years I struggled with anxiety which manifested in many ways, including a dysfunctional relationship with food and exercise. I finally reached a point where I realised I couldn’t continue with the way I was living my life. Nikki suggested the ‘Lightning Process’. I had never heard of this training before and I started to read up about it. At first I felt apprehensive as it seemed a bit “too good to be true” with its promise of fast results and its claims of being applicable across a wide range of issues. But given Nikki’s character and experience, I trusted that she was coaching and endorsing something that was life changing. So I took the leap of faith and decided to sign up for the training. I can say with a heart of honesty and gratitude that this was one of the best decisions I have made. I now feel more at peace with my body and I have started to regain trusting myself. I feel a lot more calm and able to go into situations that I previously would have never tried. I have a set of skills I can use, and continue to use, which have lead me onto a path towards a life that is fulfilling and hopefully. I am incredibly grateful for Nikki and her calm, caring and genuine demeanour. She coaches with kindness, understanding and encouragement. If you are looking to break free from challenges, that are limiting your ability to live a fulfilling life, I highly recommend embarking on the ‘Lightning Process’ with Nikki. It will be one of the best decisions you can make too.”

- November 2020

Helen (anxiety, ruminating)

“I decided to do the LP because I didn’t want to feel helpless anymore and like all of my feelings and emotions were out of control and governing my day to day life. I wanted the LP to help me understand what was going on with my way of thinking and how I could use that awareness to help build better practises in my life. From doing the LP with Nikki I learnt that I can move from stuckness to flourishing. I have tapped into using positive language and positive thoughts to train my brain into a different way of thinking. Nikki taught me that this is an ongoing process and to keep applying the LP to rewire my brain. It has allowed me to constantly stop and identify when I am going towards the pit (and I am getting better at that before I get there) and breaking my traditional worrying thought patterns. I have noticed that my thought process has started to become more positive automatically and I feel as though I am living a more fulfilled life. I still have to watch myself in terms of the beliefs that I hold that are not serving me well and let go of this, but from doing the LP I am aware of and able to identify the beliefs that are disempowering and then use the LP to help me choose a belief that is honouring to me and my worth!”

- Jan 2021

Alice (Long covid)

“Recovery from post-COVID fatigue - literally felt like living through a miracle.

After eight months mostly housebound with chronic fatigue since getting COVID in March, I did the ‘Lightning Process’ in December 2020. By day three of the training my mind was blown away by all the ways in which my life had changed already. On month on and it still feels like I’m living that miracle every day.

‘She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs at the days to come’. Here I am a month on and it feels like I’m walking on waves. I’m running and swimming and gym-ing and out living life. And blessed to laugh at the days to come.”

- January 2021

Jo (depression, anxiety)

“I came to the ‘Lightning Process’ with anxiety, depression, perfectionism and migraines. Positive changes I made over the three days of the ‘Lightning Process’ training : So many! By the end of the three days my anxiety levels were so much improved. I used the process many times for anxiety, plus other things I was noticing and discovering. It was a weekend of self-realisation about the many limiting beliefs that I have - that I can replace with life-giving beliefs.

What positive changes have I made since completing the ‘Lightning Process’? I have used the process to help with calmness, confidence, self belief, energy, saying “no”, trusting, wellness in my head, being joyful. So many things! My quality of life this week compared to last month is like night and day. And I continue to become aware of limiting beliefs that I am replacing. I have used the process to give me courage and self-belief in conversations and to trust that other people are generally reasonable. I’m now more present and patient and calm as a Mum and a wife as a result of being more joyful and generally feeling better about myself. I laugh out loud every day and don’t sweat the small stuff so much.”

- February 2021


Nakita (PTSD)

“Nikki Bray first recommended me the ‘Lightning Process’ when I had reached out to her during one of the lowest points in my life mentally. I had been struggling with depression, anxiety, low self esteem, PTSD from the Christchurch earthquakes, a need for perfectionism, and a feeling of complete failure in everything I was doing. Emotionally I felt out of control and I felt myself withdrawing from everyone around me.

After attending the ‘Lightning Process’ I can now confidently say that I have left that all behind me…and it only took three days. My life has completely changed! I now realise that I have a choice and unbelievable influence to change the state of my mental health, where before I believed my hands were tied and it was all downhill from here.

I have not experienced any depression since, my self worth has sky rocketed, anxiety no longer effects me like it did before and I feel so confident with the tools I have learned to quickly combat anything that comes along to steal my joy and peace. The change is permanent too and that has given me such surety and excitement for my future ahead.

No matter what you are struggling with, jump in, head first, with no hesitation. It will radically change your life forever….not only with the things that weigh you down now, but in areas you never understood effected you before. Nikki has a kind, gentle and understanding approach to her training, and I felt so safe and encouraged during my time.”

- March 2021

Ruth (glandular fever)

“Nikki is one of those people you want to grow up and be like! She approaches the Lightning Process with empathy, great fashion sense and a whole lot of wisdom!

I was utterly convinced that the Lightning Process was NOT for me!

Until I did it!

I bounced back to my normal bubbly self after spending nine months mostly housebound with glandular fever and three nights in hospital with a swollen spleen

I came in thinking the Lightning Process was just for my physical health…..but it wasn’t! It has changed how I see myself as a person, providing me with the tools to choose how I respond to life’s highs and lows.”

- April 2021

Rhonda (stuckness)

“I did the Lightning Process with Nikki in April 2021 to find a way out of my “stuck-ness”. I was letting life happen to me and I had a lot of unhealthy habits, which included emotional eating.
I loved doing this training, as it gave me the tools that I needed to make changes in my life.
Nikki was an amazing facilitator. She had a calm, gentle yet solid presence. She helped everyone in our group through the process so that we came away feeling empowered.

I realised through doing this course that I didn’t value myself. Once I had that awareness and the tools to put a stop to it whenever I felt my mind going there, I felt a renewed confidence. I have made many positive changes in my life since doing the Lightning Process. I eat better, I sleep better. I get up earlier to exercise in the mornings. I feel more alive now than I did 20 years ago.
I am in control of my life now.

I would recommend this course with Nikki to anyone who wants a better life.”
Rhonda Fawcett (56)

- May 2021

Trent (depression)

“My mum recommended ‘The Lightning Process’ to me; she told me it could help me with my battle against depression. I hesitated for some time because I believed that nothing would truely help me with that mental issue. Then I thought, that if it could even make it just a bit better, then it would be worth it. I eventually got in contact with Nikki, she was incredibly helpful and quick to respond to my queries. As I undertook the training, Nikki guided the group I was in at a steady and patient pace. She always had time for the others and myself, and to me, that is of immense value. However, it was not until I left the training on that last day that I realised how powerful ‘The Lightning Process’ was. I have not come close to depression since, I have been happy for more than 80% of the time, and there were so many other tools and perspectives that have changed how I now do life.

No matter what you’re battling with, I believe that ‘The Lightning Process’ will help you.”

Trent Fawcett (26)

- August 2021

Sarah (fatigue/fibromyalgia)

“I came to the Lighting Process after a long time of considering if it was right for me, and I am so glad that I chose to take the training. For 11 years I was experiencing pain and fatigue from fibromyalgia . The process has has helped me so much as it has provided me with the tools to make amazing improvements in my life. I am living with so much more comfort, ease and energy than I have in many years. I am getting to enjoy things that I didn’t think would be possible for me (like gluten).

Nikki is wonderful, she explains everything so well and has such a contagious positive energy. She is super kind and supportive during all stages of the Lightning Process journey. I really couldn’t have asked for a better practitioner. I am so thrilled with the positive changes I have made so far and can’t wait to see what other improvements I can make.

September 2021

Joshua (depression/anxiety/IBS)

“Prior to the Lightning process I had experienced 7 years of IBS symptoms with numerous investigations and treatments as well as depression and anxiety. Since taking the Lightning Process with Nikki back in August 2021 I have rediscovered the joy in life and now I have a completely updated understanding of my mind and body. I can now understand how I can influence my mind and my body to live my best life and go out and do things I wouldn't have dreamed of doing before and enjoying them. I highly recommend Nikki as a Lightning process coach, her fun and calm approach to the course made it enjoyable while also helping me reach new ground in my life's journey.”

September 2021

Ashleigh (anxiety)

“Prior to the LP I had a lot of anxiety, often very crippling. And this had a flow on effect into every aspect of my life. I have received counseling for years, which helped me with many things. But I could never get a grip on my anxiety. Like many others with anxiety, I grew to accept it as part of me and believed the idea that, 'this is just the way I am, its a personality flaw'.

The LP helped me see that this anxiety was just an entrenched, unhelpful, neuro pathway, and that change is within my power, it's my choice. And this realisation has been incredibly empowering.

The LP concept is simple, yet so incredibly effective and has been a real game changer for me. I recognised changes within the first two days of the course. And two months on, I can say that using the process has become almost second nature.

My husband has been amazed at how I handle stressful situations now, maintaining calm... for the most part. And how quickly being able to pull myself out of pit, when I begin to spiral. The awesome part is, that sense of calm it's not forced, it just seems to come easily and naturally, which I never thought could be possible for me.”

October 2021

Erin (anxiety)

“I came to the Lightning Process because I felt like my anxiety was ruling my life. I was fitting my life around it and tailoring my choices based on it, rather than feeling in control of my own life. In all honesty, I was apprehensive - I felt like anxiety was something that had been such a big (and controlling) part of my life for so long that I didn’t see how a course could change that. Thankfully, I was incredibly wrong! The Lightning Process was amazing. It was fascinating learning about how the brain works and why I had been feeling the way I did. It was like everything suddenly made sense. The Lightning Process made me realise that I already had everything I needed to change my life, I just needed to change the way I was using it. Nikki is amazing - she is patient, kind and empathetic, but gives you a gentle but firm kick when she knows you can do better. She is incredibly uplifting and will celebrate the smallest changes in your life with genuine excitement.

What shocked me about the Lightning Process was that it impacted so much more than just the anxiety I had come to the course for. It has fundamentally changed the way I do life and manage my emotions. I used to feel powerless about the way that I felt, but now I know I have the tools to change any thought process or emotional that is not beneficial to me. I truly think everyone could benefit from doing the Lighting Process - and Nikki will support you all the way.”
October 2021

Sally (pain/arthritis)

“I have known about the lightning process for many years having referred a couple of people onto the process and knowing a number of other people who had experienced life changing success with it. Recently I received a diagnosis of an inflammatory arthritic condition after experiencing pain for over a year. The recommended treatment for this condition is exercise and medication, of which I had experienced limited success with. Knowing the power of the mind and of many others who had experienced positive outcomes using the lightning process I decided that I wanted to do the lightning process course.

The blessing of being able to participate in the course has been immense! I have gone from struggling to hold my young daughter and carrying out everyday tasks like mopping the floors without experiencing pain to being able to participate in a range of physical tasks with ease and freedom. I have also been able to apply the process to other situations such as fatigue and anxiety. Thank you Nikki and your team of supporters for making this process available to me. I will continue to share the good news of the lightning process!
December 2021

Rose (anxiety)

“I was recommended the ‘Lightening Process’ (LP) by a friend after I explained the crippling effect of my anxiety, which impacted my sleep and body. On top of this I suffered from Erythrophobia, also known as a phobia of blushing. Both issues had been present in my life for over a decade. I felt very hopeless in that I believed I had no influence over these issues and felt stuck.

Within a few short days, the LP introduced me to a whole different way of thinking. I learned how to rewire my brain using neuroplacticity. Using the LP, Nikki taught me how to access peace and calmness. My favourite thing about the LP is that it has equiped me with the tools I need to flourish on a daily basis. Two months on and my life has been transformed. I generally feel more calm and relaxed and am sleeping properly. Moreover, when I have a certain event coming up where previously I would worry about blushing or feel anxious, I can now go through the LP steps prior to this event so that I am entering it in a complete state of peace.

I would personally like to recommend Nikki as a practitioner. She journeys with you all the way and has an empowering coaching style. Nikki genuinely cares about my issues and my success. I particularly appreciated her candour and accountability during the LP process.

If you are contemplating whether to do the LP, I would encourage you to take the leap. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
December 2021


“I am so grateful for the chance to do the Lightning process with Nikki. The positive change I was able to experience during the 3 days, and then into the future was honestly amazing. 

I was quite skeptical going into this 3 day course, and was trying my best to keep an open mind. But by the end of the second day, I was already making progress I didn’t think would be possible.

What excites me the most about the process is as I get better at doing it, so do my results. And as time goes along, it will become a powerful tool to not only help with issues, but it can be applied to so many things. 

What ever your current situation is, I’d highly recommend giving the LP a go. The question I’m now asking myself is “What if it’s even better than you thought possible?
February 2022

Rachael (anxiety, depression, digestive issues)

“For a long time, I have been duing anxiety, depression and digestive problems. I have tried many different therapies etc, but nothing seemed to last long term. I thought surely there must be a way to make a change but didn’t know how. Over the last couple of years, the list of health conditions started to increase while my energy continued to decrease.  When I learnt about the Lightning Process, it just clicked with me.

Nikki is a lovely coach with a gentle and supportive manner and doing her New Plymouth workshop in a cosy setting with a small number of people was a really enjoyable experience.

Having the follow up coaching sessions was so important and helpful to help me stay on the right track in the weeks after the workshop.

It is so empowering to know that I have the tools to change my brain’s wiring to filter more positively in order to change my own life for the better.

Thank you so much, Nikki”.
March 2022

Carolyn (anxiety)

I came to the Lightning Process to further develop my skills in managing anxiety. Through learning about the lightning process, I was able to put the tools to use right from day one. I can apply the tools gained to several areas of my life to help me stay out of 'pit thinking'. By using the lightning process, I have been able to be more aware of what negative thoughts are present and deal with those much sooner than previous thought and stop myself from further going down into a deeper pit. I have been able to see areas such as perfectionism, people pleasing and negative self-talk contributing to anxiety and deal with the deeper issue rather than the feeling.

One practical example I have of doing the lightning process is when I was at a party. I was aware of myself going into the pit and on the cusp of a panic attack so I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I physically did the lightning process in the bathroom where I reset myself by interrupting my thought patterns and reset my brain. I was able to restore myself back to baseline,rejoin the party and have a very enjoyable time.

The lightning process has been an ongoing tool that I use frequently and has helped me be a friend and coach to myself. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to make a change in their life for the better.
April 2022

Jacqui (fibromyalgia/anxiety)

I had been struggling with low self esteem, negative self talk,anxiety and mild fibromyalgia for many years. A good friend suggested I try the Lightning Process to help me deal with my ongoing issues.

I spoke to Nikki Bray and listened to the introduction trainings by Phil Parker.  It was something I was very interested in so in April I decided to give it a go.

The training sessions were quite intense and completely out of my comfort zone but Nikki was amazing. She helped me to feel relaxed as she has a very calm and encouraging manner.

Since doing the training my life has changed completely. 

I feel happier and more confident. I no longer have negative self talk.If something upsets me, I now know how to use the Lightning Process to avoid the negative feelings and pit I would feel myself going into. It is fantastic to know that my feelings can be changed!

It has changed my life!

I highly recommend the Lightning Process and Nikki Bray.
June 2022

Dave (addiction)

“I would like to provide a review on my experience since attending the LP seminar back in May 2022.

Firstly I came to the LP as I was struggling with addiction and unhappiness within myself and felt I was on a downward spiral which I wasn’t enjoying. My life appeared to be quite sad, however since attending the seminar and learning the tools and how with choice and effort I can live a happy, joyful, fun and positive life, a life I know I can have and deserve. A life I love.

I have been using the LP daily since and have found this to be an amazing change to my mindset and also in assisting me with a positive approach to how I go about my life on a daily basis. I feel now that when ever I am going in to the pit, or experiencing anything that is not life enhancing I can stop, do an LP, bring the smile back on to my face, remember I am on track and I am doing great.

I have also realised since attending the seminar that I can use the LP for many other aspects in my life where I have found myself dûing stuck. I have become more patient, more involved with work and family life and finding myself more present. It is so encouraging and the inner coach I have become friends with is amazing.

I love the person I now am and will continue using the LP to enhance my positive life I am now living.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge you Nikki in how encouraging, positive, supportive and informative you presented and facilitated the seminar. I really enjoyed the seminar and left with great pride and excitement about how my future is going to be. I would highly recommend the LP to anyone I come across in the future that’s looking for a positive change”.
September 2022

Sarah (panic, depression, anxiety)

"Doing the Lightning Process (LP) with Nikki in July this year has been transformational for how I approach day to day life, experiencing greater fulfillment and hope. Before doing LP I saw anxiety, panic and depression playing a significant and passive role in how I lived my life. Despite trying a range of interventions that would provide sporadic change, I felt powerless to stop its impact on myself and those around me. The skills and understanding taught in a deeply empathetic and encouraging way by Nikki made the LP so accessible and I saw results immediately. Using LP has enabled me to persevere with unfamiliar situations and use the brain/body connection to have autonomy again, living how I want to be living. The power of using the brain/body connection and coaching myself using these tools has meant these positive changes are sustainable and steady overtime.

I feel so much more empowered being equipped through LP and would hands down recommend it to anyone ready to make lasting change in their life. Nikki was the most fantastic coach. She is so passionate and knowledgeable about LP and delivered the training in a fun and engaging way. Her on-going support and encouragement has been invaluable! "
October 2022

Tegan (chronic pain)

I was 22 when I first heard of ‘Lightning Process’ (LP) through a friend who had done this course and 23 when I did the course myself. I was chronically ill, experiencing debilitating pain daily. I suffered from endometriosis and a shopping list long of medical conditions that left me in bed often and on a load of different medications. Alongside this came anxiety and depression, I had just had my third surgery and was in and out of hospital. These issues had been present for years and I had no way of escaping. I was left depleted and defeated with no freedom in sight.

Within those few days of the LP program, I was shown an entirely new way of living. A way of thinking that rewired my extremely jumbled brain. This idea of neuroplasticity changed the direction thoughts and gave me a new lease on life. Nikki has helped me to unlock my own brain and intentionally change the pathway my thoughts take me on. I have been able to completely change my entire life, not just my medical illnesses.

Before LP I spent my days at work and then home to bed to ‘recover’. I rarely did anything fun and often couldn’t join the everyday activities a young adult could do. As a 22-23-year-old I was struggling with all that I was missing, watching my friends as they went out and did what they wanted, when they wanted, all while I had to spend days preparing for a single outing, knowing I would have to face the consequences of pain and fatigue afterwards lasting for days afterwards.

Nearly four months on from doing the LP and I am an entirely new person. I am calmer, relaxed and rested. I can go out with my friends whenever I want without risking a flare up. Pain is basically non-existent, and my energy levels are larger than they’ve been in years. The LP steps have helped me overcome anxiety and depression, I can enter a situation which I previously would have avoided without complete peace and confidence. Nikki has journeyed with me the entire way through, empowering and coaching me through all my successes and challenges. She genuinely cares about her clients and is invested in their progress.

LP has helped me become emotionally healthy and spiritually alive. If you are considering LP as something that may be useful to you, do it. Be kind to your soul and start the journey to rewire your mind to be the best version of yourself, you have nothing to lose.
October 2022

Larissa (anxiety/panic attacks)

I had known about the lightening process for several years before I took the leap and did it myself. I had always worried that I was not “bad enough” to do the course and had a false belief that doing the course would be admitting that I “had anxiety”. My job was working with people who had anxiety and depression so I felt like I should be able to manage it on my own. However, after I began having an increasing number of panic attacks I decided I didn’t want to just manage this anymore, I wanted to change how I was thinking and be free of anxiety.

So I called Nikki and was enrolled in a course several weeks later (September 2021). I went into the course thinking I needed it because of the anxious patterns in my life but I found that it helped with so much more, I was able to identify a number of unhelpful core beliefs and retrain my thinking around them. After the course I didn’t have instant results but in the weeks that followed as I kept doing the process I was so much calmer and more peaceful, I had no further panic attacks and I felt so much better in myself. I hadn’t realised how much my anxious thoughts had been impacting on my physical health. People around me who didn’t know I had done the course told me they had noticed I was more confident and relaxed.

A year on I can say that I am a much calmer and more confident person than this time last year. I am still using the LP to face new and non-easy situations and am so thankful to have a tool I can apply to so many areas of life. I am so thankful to Nikki for her calm and constant encouragement and the way she delivered the LP, showing how the principles of the LP, my faith and my brain all worked together! If you are not living a life you love I would totally recommend doing the LP course, don’t worry about how “bad” you are, just do it!
October 2022

Emily (stuckness)

It was such a privilege being able to go through the Lightning Process with Nikki as my Practitioner. Where I had been ‘stuck’ for quite some time, I saw phenomenal breakthrough over the weekend. I learnt so much through doing the course and now have fresh excitement and hope for the future with great clarity. I would thoroughly recommend Nikki and the Lightning Process to anyone who has any area of their life that is not quite as they wish it could be. As a Practitioner, Nikki is warm, safe and extremely knowledgeable. Her insight and observations were spot on, for all of the attendees on the course, and it has been a joy getting to work with her.
October 2022

James (anxiety)

Following a lifelong battle with unaddressed anxiety, I fell into a bit of a pit I could not get myself out of. In the midst of this desperate situation, I turned to Nikki and the Lightning Process in September 2021 on a recommendation from someone from our church. Nikki's caring and pragmatic facilitation of the Lightning Process really helped provide me a framework and some tools to get me through this difficult time. As Nikki said, if we are hitting a nail into the wall with a banana, it doesn't matter what we do, it's not going to work. But if we swap the banana out for a hammer, it becomes very achievable. In concert with counselling, self-care and God, the Lightning Process is one such tool. Nikki's genuine care for her clients, and her willingness to be open about her own struggles - makes the process a safe and warm environment to learn. So if you are in a dark spot, or you feel like you've tried everything - what have you got to lose and, more importantly, what have you got to gain. 
December 2022

Alicia (fibromyalgia)

My journey with Fibromyalgia started 10 years ago, and has been a rocky road. At the time that I was diagnosed, I had heard about the Lightning Process through another friend that did it, but I had some doubts and so put it out of my mind. Fast forward to this year, through conversations with others I began to get an understanding of the mind-body connection and the role that the brain plays in pain perception. The Lightning Process came up again, and this time I felt ready to do it. Nikki was great in providing answers and transparency before the training as well as throughout, and the environment was an extremely supportive and encouraging one. Before doing the course, I had an understanding of the role my brain might be playing in my symptoms, but I didn't have the tools I needed to make the choices that would change my outcomes. After the training, I have noticed HUGE change in my life. I thought I was coming to the Lightning Process to help with pain and fatigue, and I've left with so much more than that. I've left with a tool that I can use in so many areas of my life from here on out to live the life I love and that God has called me to; an abundant one (John 10:10). 
September 2023

Audi (Long Covid)

"My name is Audi Teves and since last year of June 2022, I have been diagnosed with LONG  COVID  SYNDROME. I had contracted Covid 3 months earlier in March 2022, which really knocked my health severely. It took me over 3 weeks to recover but just enough to return to work. Then in June, I contracted Influenza-A, along with a couple other viruses which progressed to secondary infections. It felt like Covid all over again but worse. After a few months, most of the pain had gone away and I was left with extreme fatigue and an achy fluey feeling in the back of my neck whenever I got tired. It was kind of like Spiderman's Spidey-sense tingling but only a gross, yucky flu like feeling which told me I was tired and needed to sleep. 

I visited plenty of doctors who all gave me some great advice but nothing to fix the problem. I also visited a Naturopath who helped by reviewing my diet and so I benefited from that wisdom and still apply it to this day but that also didn't take the Long Covid away. Friends, family and my Church Family all prayed for me, some daily, and without those prayers, there's no way I would have been able to last as long as I have with the Long Covid. It gave me strength, faith and hope in my healing to come. Finally in July, I was suggested to try the Lightning Process. God's timing was perfect as it coincided with the beginning of my Church's Fast too. After the first day of the course, I could straight away feel different. But it was my son who noticed it before I did once I returned home. He could see that I was a totally different person! Since having done the course, I've been able to return to work but my biggest blessing from this healing is truly enjoying the time I'm able to spend with my 3 young energetic children and my beautiful wife who's carried us all through this very long year!

Since having learnt the Lightning Process, I've been able to apply it in different areas in my life, not just for Long Covid. I'm still in shock that I'm back to my old (but better) self and I'm just so excited about living the life I have in front of me and what the future holds. I can't thank Nikki Bray enough for her incredible training and coaching, for all the generous donors who helped make this possible and to Dr. Phil Parker who crafted this life changing process.". 
September 2023

Anonymous (Depression)

"I have lived with depression for over 15 years, and although I heard about the Lightning Process a number of years ago, I had always been sceptical. I was in a pretty desperate situation a few months ago though, and thought I might as well give it a go. I’m so glad I did! The course equipped me with valuable strategies that made me feel empowered, and with these strategies I have noticed that I am feeling lighter, smiling more, engaging in more positive self-talk, have more energy, able to enjoy the little things for the first time ever, and generally just feeling a lot more positive about life. I have postponed my follow-up appointment with my psychiatrist because I am feeling so much better, but if I had seen her, I think she would have been very surprised and curious about how this long-term patient managed to climb out of such a bad depressive episode with no changes in medication. In fact, sometimes I’m still surprised myself!
Having the right practitioner is so important for courses like these, and Nikki was fantastic. She facilitated a safe and supportive space, and was genuine, relatable, empathetic, and full of wisdom in her approach. She very quickly gained my trust (not easy!) and I felt safe to be vulnerable when needed. I have sought help from many people during my journey with depression, and Nikki definitely is a rare gem!."
September 2023